Com & Com ANAPTYXIAKI LTD undertook the implementation of actions of the project “Sustainable Heritage Management towards Mass Tourism Impact thanks to a holistic use of Big and Open Data” – with the acronym “HERIT-DATA” which has been included in the Interreg Med Program 2014-2020.
The project aims to reduce the negative impact of human activities related to tourism in the cultural heritage, by specializing in two types of cultural destinations that benefit but are also negatively affected by mass tourism, namely old cities and areas of high cultural heritage. or archaeological interest for visitors, with particular emphasis on those that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites and that abound in the MED area. In this context, HERIT-DATA seeks to develop a model for the management of sustainable and responsible tourism that will be applied in areas of significant cultural heritage in the MED zone, and in particular by utilizing technological and innovative management tools, as well as other political and social measures.
Work Package: Project Management (Steering Committee Meetings)
Work Package: Information and Publicity (Press Releases, Videos, Promotional Material)
Work Package: Study (Catalog of collected data)
Work Package: Test (Collection of integrated data of pilot areas, Measurement of load capacity indicators for each selected area, Tourist flow management platform, Application for visitors)
Work Package: Transportation (Mass tourism management model, Reports / regional training seminars, Workshops)
Work Package: Capitalization (Study visits, Final Conference, Memorandum of Cooperation)
AWARDING BODY: Region of Western Greece