Com & Com ANAPTYXIAKI LTD, as a member of the Association of Companies “LIVING PROSPECTS LTD-ANAPTYXIAKI LTD”, undertook the support for the implementation of actions of the project “Improving the existing competencies and the developing new ones in the aquaculture and fish products trade sector” and the acronym “DACIAT” which has been included in the Co-financed Transnational Program “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020”.

The DACIAT project was born out of the desire of the partners to improve the existing skills in the field of fish farming but also in the industry around it in the Black Sea basin. The project builds a unified experience of exchanging good practices in 4 areas of the Black Sea to improve their skills, especially in the field of fish farming by increasing Transnational cooperation but also by upgrading the capacity of innovation of existing companies in the field. The project aims to create added value for fish farming companies and especially for SMEs by creating new support services tailored to them but also by improving existing ones. The corporate structure of the project consists of 6 relevant organizations based in 4 countries of the Black Sea Cooperation Region: Romania, Turkey, Greece, and Ukraine. All partners are relevant organizations with solid responsibilities in the areas covered by the project. All partners have recognized fish farming as a key priority for their areas and have reaffirmed the importance of the project theme in the current environment. DACIAT aims to bridge the gaps through strong transnational cooperation in light of mutual learning and benefits.


Work Package: Centralized updated analysis of the current situation of the fish farming sector in the Black Sea, Overview of markets and marketing strategies in the REMTH Region, Database with good practices in the field of aquaculture)

Work Package: Exchange of experiences and improvement of skills (Virtual visits and interviews, Study visits, Local Workshops)

Work Package: Virtual Fish Farming Skills Center (Translated material)

Work Package: Involvement of actors and activities to ensure the sustainability of the project results (Local dissemination events, Overview of available financial tools to ensure the continuation of the project, Policy Recommendations Document)

Work Package: Communication (Opening Conference, Closing Conference, Promotional material for conferences/workshops, Communication material)