BALKAN CENTER Building D, 1st Floor
10th km of Thessaloniki-Thermi
PO BOX: 57001 Θέρμη, Τ.Θ.: 60064
+30 2310 502 220
European Programs
In the context of the European orientation and familiarity with European policies, our company has extensive experience in providing technical advisory consulting services to agencies and companies involved in cross-border, interregional, and transnational cooperation projects.
- Interreg V B Adriatic – Ionian Programme – ADRION 2014 -2020
- Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg Balkan‐Mediterranean 2014‐2020
- Black Sea Basin ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020
- European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Cyprus
- IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Greece-Albania
- European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria
- IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Greece-fYROM
- European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Italy
- Interreg MED Programme